Cathie's Blog
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
“When you wake up in the morning, you never know where the day will take you....”
So, I was totally on my way to the gym when Tita came over to play “’Lektronic Battleship” with Allison (which Allison is VERY good at, by the way), and Ben called. It seems one of his clients gave him their suite at the AAA for...none other than the…World Famous….ROLLING STONES! Now, I don’t really know many Stones songs, but I agreed to go because….well..…it’s the Stones Baby! I figured it was worth blowing off the gym, since I have not fully recovered from Brian’s Ab Class last week, and I have it again tonight. So aaaaanyways, Mama Bear and I met Tita and Ben and headed to the AAA. When we got to the entrance to get our wristbands, we asked the security who was opening. And do you know what they said? You’re never gonna guess what they said. “Stone…something…” Jigga wha? Jigga who? Joss Stone???? The night just keeps getting better. So we run to the suite so we can catch some of ‘Stone something’ before she was done. I didn’t get to see her perform “Right To Be Wrong” which is may fav, but that’s OK. In the meantime, Ben ordered a bottle of Grey Goose and magic was in the air. Michael Doleac from the Miami Heat was in the suite right next to us (yeah, I totally had to look up his name because I had no idea who he was…sorry boys..not much of a basketball fan..). Shaq was there, too, but I didn’t see him.
Finally, the Stones came out, and let me tell you, I have never seen a performer bring a crowd to their feet like the Stones. It was automatic… was systematic…it was hy-dro-matic….why, it was grease lightning (Sorry, I am super excited about being the Pink Ladies for Halloween). So we were dancing and singing and having a ball when the Stones covered Ray Charles’ “Night Time is the Right Time.” I LOVE Ray-Ray. I was loving this concert. THEN, Joss Stone came out and she and Mick did a little Ray Charles duet type thing. The rest of the concert was fabulous. The stage moved from one side of the arena to the other, and they sang “Get Off My Cloud” right there in front of us. In the end, we had an empty bottle of vodka, but a great night behind us.
In other news, I am trying to figure out how to put Friday night’s adventures at the Hard Rock into words. I have all the pics, but I am having a little trouble truly conveying the hilarity that ensued that night. I’ll try to have it done by the end of the week.
This week: Tita and Barbie’s 60th birthday party! Hopefully Hurricane Wilma spares us. I don’t want to miss mom doing “Rapper’s Delight” on karaoke!
Posted by Catronics ::
10/18/2005 ::
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