Cathie's Blog
Friday, January 27, 2006
“I don’t want to talk about it….”
Yup, it’s here. I’m not liking this “aging” thing. Dinner last night was “freakin’ awesome” though. Thanks for everything Kristen and Gabri! You guys put on one helluva dinner party! From Grey Goose to Thai food--it was a really enjoyable evening.
Anyways, here’s a re-cap of my morning thus far:
6:32am Woke up with a dull headache (I say headache, you say hangover….whatever)
6::33am My punkin gave me 100 kisses and sang Happy Birthday to me. So sweet :)
6:36am Showered
6:38am Allison came into the bathroom threatening to “vomit” because she didn’t feel well. (“I feel like I’m going to vomit. I don’t think I can make it to school today.”)
6:39-6:40am Assured Allison that she would live through this “spell” as she hung her head in the toilet bowl spitting while making fabricated vomiting sounds.
6:47am Exited shower
6:48am Went into my room to moisturize to find a mosquito in my room. A huge one. I mean, seriously, it's freakin JANUARY…only in Miami.
6:49am Put on my Tutti Dolce Apple Torta Body Soufflé (best stuff EVER). Felt fabulous.
6:52am Went from feeling fabulous to feeling something weird on my hindquarters.
6:52:30am Realized the mosquito had bitten my hindquarters.
6:53am Vowed revenge
6:54am Went to the bathroom to apply makeup.
6:54:12am Realized I went to the bathroom to apply makeup with mosquito in tow.
6:54:26am Called the mosquito an as*shole.
6:54:38am Cornered the mosquito and slapped him, then flattened him.
6:54:40am Said “That is what you get for being an a*shole.”
6:54:41am Congratulated myself.
7:00am Ready to conquer 28.
7:01am Decided to treat Allison and myself to Starbucks for my birthday.
7:11am Walk into Starbucks to find the Barista mopping up Mocha at the front door.
7:11:10am Look over to see Florence’s son covered head to toe in Mocha.
7:11:15am Felt bad for Florence’s son.
7:11:20am Laughed when I saw Florence’s face
7:15am Thought Alex was a crazed rapist when he jumped out of his car to wish me a Happy Birthday in front of Starbucks.
7:59am Arrived at the office.
8:01am Got to my office door to find my door gift wrapped.
8:02am Opened my office door to find 300 balloons and graffiti all over my windows.
8:05am Got lots of presents from my co-workers. Yay!
8:10am Sliced my finger open while cutting my bagel with a plastic knife from Starbucks (no, I am so
not kidding)
8:20am Received a bottle of Grey Goose from the CFO. Awesome. Things are lookin’ up!
8:45am Received flowers from Espee. Very pretty. Made me happy.
8:50am Went to Robert’s office to get a file
8:51am Tripped over the cords for Robert’s speakers while leaving, only to send his speakers, monitor, and all of his office supplies crashing to the ground.
8:52am Apologized, called myself a dumba*s and walked out while being laughed at.
I’m not sold on 28 yet. Perhaps things will get batter. This
e-card from Joy helped. And the flowers from Kimmie made me even happier. :)
I’m going to lunch, going home, and then going to the hotel with Big Sis to commence my birthday celebration. See you girls there! Oh, and see you boys tomorrow! xoxoxo
In loving memory of Pepper, a kick a*s dog. We will miss you. (1987- January 26, 2006.)
Posted by Catronics ::
1/27/2006 ::
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Friday, January 20, 2006
And the official birthday countdown begins!
Exactly one week till my 28th...oh God....I didn't really care until I saw it in writing. I suppose I can find solace in the fact that I'm the baby of everyone I know. And, I have a sneaking suspicion that 28 is going to be even better than 27--and 27 was good (for the most part). Big things are going to happen this year...I can just feel it! Oh, and, Ryan is going to be 30 this year. You see? I'm feeling better about 28 already! So, we made some decisions last night: my actual birthday is going to be girls night (yeah, you heard it here first fellas), but Saturday night we'll all go out. (Don't forget my gifts! If you are not sure what to buy me, you can check out my birthday registry on A big thanks in advance.) My horoscope for the year has me feeling better about 28 as well. The part about waiting to go to another country until the end of the year has me a bit concerned though....we're not flying Chalks to the Bahamas, are we?
Anyways, before I go, I am sure some of you have been anxiously awaiting the results of Tuesday's quiz: "Can you find what is wrong with this picture?" Our winner was.....JOEY! Answer? "Ryan's sporting wood." Ding ding ding! (Those were some pretty funny e-mails Tuesday morning.) Joey didn't actually win anything though because it was a very poorly planned contest. I'll buy you a drink next time you're in Miami. Promise promise. ;) A'iight peeps, I'll let you gets to shoppin'!
Posted by Catronics ::
1/20/2006 ::
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
A White Wedding
Here are some pics from Tammy & Steven's wedding this past Saturday. It was a fantastic party, although I never expect anything less from the Herrera's! Despite the bone chilling weather, and tropical storm force winds, it was SO much fun. Thanks again to Mr. & Mrs. H. for a wonderful party, and for serving us hot chocolate upon departure! And congratulations to Tammy & Steve!! xoxoxo
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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Uh huh...this is how cold and windy it was. The four of us were seeking salvation in the Women's Locker Room. My feet, or should I say foot, also needed a rest since I severly "jammed" or broke my toe in the hotel room before the wedding. It STILL hurts.
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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I couldn't resist taking this picture. These two are, AGAIN, rocking out to "Unchained Melody." Please see the picture under Summer's wedding a scene from last Saturday's rousing rendition.
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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The Baldwins with the Whites!
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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Me & Kimmie
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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My peeps
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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Tammy & DJ
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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Tammy breakin' it down!
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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Mr. H. giving a phenomonel performance! It was a little mix of "La Bamba" and "Twist and Shout". Well done, Dad...I was impressed.
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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Mr. H. giving a phenomonal performance. It was a mix of "La Bamba" and "Twist and Shout." Well done, Dad...I was impressed.
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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I love this just makes me giggle
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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Ryan and me...that boy is up to no good.....
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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Jenny, Kimmie & Jilly
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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Chris, Dad & Ryan
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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Can you find what is wrong with this picture? I will award a prize to the first person that e-mails me with the correct answer (and you are NOT eligible if you were a participant in the total mockery of Ryan at the wedding, where this picture was initially viewed).
Posted by Catronics ::
1/17/2006 ::
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Friday, January 13, 2006
“A Pro is an amateur that never gave up!”
OK, here’s how it went down. Chris (God bless him) woke us up at the a*s crack of dawn to get ready for my big day of skiing. I was so excited. For those of you that know me, I love winter, and anything to do with it, so I couldn’t wait to get to the mountain and begin my grand skiing adventure. Getting Allison ready was slightly reminiscent of the little brother in “A Christmas Story” because as soon as we got in the car she “had to go potty,” but we managed to get there on time to sign the kids up for ski school, and get a private instructor for Kimmie and me. Now, let me first tell you what our expectations were for the day. Kimmie and I thought that 1. Our instructor would be hot (mainly because we ASKED for a hot ski instructor from the girl we paid, and she kinda gave us the impression that should would do what she could), 2. We were going to kick ass skiing, because we’re fabulous at everything, and 3. Drinking & skiing mix. Allow me now to discredit each and every one of my/our expectations.
Kim and I waited where we were told for our instructor, and up walked “Ted.” Ted is clearly a NC native, with his southern accent and very sweet mannerisms. I quickly forgave the cashier lady for giving us a ski instructor who was about 3 days away from retiring because I was so excited about skiing—AND he had all of his teeth. I suppose it could have been worse. Ted walked us over to the Bunny Slope and began his instruction on putting on our skis, etc. I have a very short attention span, so I just kinda do my own thing and pay attention every once in awhile. Ted’s going on and on about “Make sure you skis are parallel to the fall line (I think..)…blah blah…something something…..” Kim is doing as she is told, and I am just bored to tears and want to start skiing like Pekaboo Street already. Then, Ted says what I had been longing to hear:
“OK, pay attention because we are going to move over here.” (Around the larger ski class, which to me, constituted skiing.)
“Yay!” I said quietly to myself.
“Now, you ladies were born to keep your legs closed…” Ted word vomits.
Kim is about to DIE because he just said this in front of me. Ted does not, however, realize that what he has just said has offended me in more ways than I care to count, and Kimmie is just hoping I don’t lay him out in the snow, and he continues…
“…so when you ski, you need to pretend you have a basketball between your legs. I know you ladies will try to keep your legs closed…..blah blah blah..”
I am almost mortified FOR him because the look on my face must have said a million things. I let it go though, because I just wanted to start skiing. I did begin to realize at this point the Ted’s “sweet mannerisms” are all a front.
Anyhoo, he starts telling us how to do this, and how to do that, I get bored and ski away. Swish, swish, swish….I make it to the bottom of the bunny slope. I am freakin’ awesome. I don’t need this freakin ski class. This is all I’m really going to say about the ski class, except that Kimmie quit, I thought myself to be a natural at this whole skiing thing, and once class was over, it was time to meet everyone at the bar.
Once inside the bar (which was a bit difficult because I had left my ID with my plane ticket—at the cabin—and Chris had to do a little sweet talkin’ to get me in), everyone had ordered a beer, so I said what the hell, and ordered one as well. Although I do not normally drink beer, it tasted particularly good that day. Mmmmm. We ordered some lunch, and watched the newbies on the hill fall and run into houses from the bar window. Chris, Ryan, and Jenny agree to go with me down the “Green” to see how I do outside of ski class (Ryan mainly agreed because he knew it would be a good show). I go ahead of the boys with Jenny, we grab our skis and she suggests we “put them on here.” And by “here,” she meant on a bit of an incline, which I did not notice until I got my skis on, slid down the incline, and into a poor unsuspecting woman, who, when I asked if she was alright, pretty much said “Don’t fucking touch me.” Oops. I feel like a real idiot at this point, and my confidence is a bit bruised. Moving on, Ryan and Jenny get ahead of Chris and I in line for the ski lift (again, Ryan did so because he knew that my getting OFF the ski lift would be a good show) and they were off. Jenny and Chris kept telling me “When the lift comes, hold your poles in your left hand, and grab the chair with your right, ok??” OK, got it. And surprisingly enough, I DID get it. I got on that effing chair like a PRO. Once we were getting near our “stop,” Chris is telling me,
“OK, once your skis hit the ground, stand up and make the turn to get out of the way. You know how to turn, right?
“Yeah..I learned that…” I replied, getting slightly nervous.
“OK, now the people behind us are probably NOT going to get off, but you need to move quickly in case they are, OK?
“OK. Move quickly. Got it.”
“OK, put your skis down…get ready…ok…NOW!” Chris instructs.
I did what he said, was successful for about 3 feet, and then…Ate. My. Sh*t. This prompted the ski lift operator to run to my aid screaming “INCOOOOMMMMIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG!” It seems Chris was wrong, and the people behind us were, in fact, getting off behind us. The ski lift operator is trying to get me up while chanting “Oh Jesus! Oh Jesus!” I finally get up, tail between my legs, and scoot over to my peeps, who are all but on the ground laughing at me. My confidence (and dignity) has been all but destroyed at this point, but I truck on. Jenny, Ryan and Chris are all telling me I need to make sure to do this, do that, “do your pizza!” and “go side to side!” OK, I think I can do this. Ryan and Chris go a little bit ahead of me, and Jenny stays a little behind, and I take off. I don’t mean I gracefully began skiing down on the beautiful white fluffy snow either. I mean, I started going down this mountain at rates of speed I do not even do in my own car on the freeway, and had to make myself fall before I fell over a cliff that would have broken my femur, no doubt.
All I hear at this point, besides my own laughter, of course, is Jennifer’s “heheheheheheheheheheeeeheeeeehee….” (For those of you that don’t know Jenny, she has a very sweet and cute giggle, which can also be interpreted as evil if you know her as well as I do.) I look up to see my dear, dear Jenny, laughing hysterically at me, in her perfect “ski stance” and her perfect blue ski coat, and her cute little sunglasses.
She begins coming towards me doing her perfect ski moves, side to side..swish, swish, swish, and says “C’mon Cathie, you can do this. You just need to make sure to do your pizza!” in her cute little voice. Chris helps me up, and I try again with the same result. This happened over and over, and the entire time, all I heard was Jennifer’s laugh. At one point, I, no lie, almost ran into a house located on the side of the green…that was skerry. Ryan tried to reassure me by saying “Don’t worry Cathie, I’ll catch you before you run into a house,” though I didn’t see how he could possibly do so when I am going 90mph 20 feet ahead of him. After begging them to let me slide the rest of the way down the hill on my a*s to actually spare myself some embarrassment, they kept at me, and I kept giving it “one more shot.” I did well on one run, and I thought I could make it to the bottom flawlessly, however that, too, ended tragically.
I told Jenny that I was so happy she was there laughing at me, because I would have been crying at this point had she not been. Almost at the bottom, I say “eff it! I’m going to DO. THIS.” I get up on my skis with conviction, and I take off towards the bottom, ahead of all my friends. I had it. I was going to end this with a bang. And boooooy, did I. I begin approaching the bottom, where there are no less than 200 people waiting to get on the ski lift and such, and I realize that I….cannot…..stop….. ”Oooooooohhhhhh… sh*******t!” I scream. And I make myself fall. In a ditch. No lie. About what seemed like an eternity later, my friends arrive to find me lying in said ditch, and just lose it. Laughing, pointing, the whole thing. With all of Sugar Mountain looking on, including, I believe, all the people in the bar who look on for sport, just as we had. So before they helped me up, I had Jenny laughing, Chris getting out his camera, and Ryan saying “No, don’t take the picture yet!” He throws my poles, which I had left a little ways up the hill, on my chest, and says “OK, take the picture now!” And here it is…the money shot…..
I apologized profusely to my friends for the hour they just wasted getting me down that hill. Ryan responded, “Oh no, don’t apologize. That was worth…every…SECOND…”
So yeah, that was that. We all had a big laugh at my expense (you people are lucky I have no soul), and left.
Now, let me tell you another story. I go to Ryan’s house on Tuesday night since Jenny was in Brazil, and I am a good friend. So I was there, Kimmie was there, Eddie was there, Kristen came by, and Matt showed up a bit later. We somehow get on the topic of my unfortunate attempt at skiing, which Ryan still finds wildly amusing, when Ryan blurts out,
“Yeah, we probably should have taken you on the Green (the easier hill), not the Blue (the hill for people that have been skiing since birth).”
“Yeah, ahahahaha, wait. Hold the eff on. What did you just say?” I reply.
“Uh, yeah, we took you on the Blue.”
“What the f*ck!?! Are you serious?? That’s effed up Ryan. Why did you do that??”
“Well, the Green had the snow machines blowing and if we had taken you there…”
(I am thinking he was going to finish this sentence with something along the lines of “it would have been too slippery..” or “the snow machines make it harder for YOU to see…” or SOMETHING that would have led me to believe that he was actually doing it for MY benefit as a newbie….)
“….the snow machines would have blown snow all over us (me) and I would have been caked in snow.”
“Ooooohh, riiiiight, I wouldn’t want YOU to have been inconvenienced like that Ryan! I wouldn't have wanted you to ruin your outfit!”
I am still waiting for my apology letter detailing 101 Reasons why I should still be friends with you, B.
Big ups to Chris…you’re the best…thanks for allowing me to walk away from that experience with a fraction of my pride intact.
I’ll be back. I’ll try it again. Like Allison’s Kung-Fu teacher says “A Pro is an amateur that never gave up.” Actually he says “A Black Belt is a White Belt that never gave up,” but it’s the same principle, really.
Posted by Catronics ::
1/13/2006 ::
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Try it again....
Some of the pics were posted but weren't appearing on the actual site, so look again
Posted by Catronics ::
1/11/2006 ::
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Here are some!
Well, as I was posting what I had, Jilly finally e-mailed the pics from her camera. Now I need to decide what to do. I will either modify what I have just posted with a story and more pics, or I'll just do a new posting and add the pics she sent. Let me think about it.
Posted by Catronics ::
1/11/2006 ::
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We arrive in Charlotte...and Allison was a wee bit cold...
Posted by Catronics ::
1/11/2006 ::
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"Drivin' with the Lord!" Scariest drive of my entire life--on our way up the mountain from Charlotte.
Posted by Catronics ::
1/11/2006 ::
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Ryan teaching the girls how to play poker. They caught on pretty quickly and took him for all his money.
Posted by Catronics ::
1/11/2006 ::
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Ryan and Allison chatting at the bar
Posted by Catronics ::
1/11/2006 ::
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Ryan bartending. "Make me a drink b*tch!"
Posted by Catronics ::
1/11/2006 ::
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Our Band: "Blistery Squalls" We are awesome.
Posted by Catronics ::
1/11/2006 ::
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------------------------------------- FAR the most entertaining night in NC....
Posted by Catronics ::
1/11/2006 ::
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awwwwwwwww yeeeeeahhhhhh!!! This is when Chris started videotaping....we still need to watch that tape!
Posted by Catronics ::
1/11/2006 ::
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....when Kimmie started the Grease mix on the iPod....
Posted by Catronics ::
1/11/2006 ::
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